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One of the major tasks in putting on an endurance ride in Victoria is arranging the relevant road and traffic permits and permissions from various bodies including local Councils, Vicroads and Victoria Police.
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Are you thinking about getting into endurance riding?
Well, now is the ideal time to become a member and dip your toes into the wonderful world that is endurance.
As of the 1st of July Half yearly memberships at a discounted price will be available for the remainder of 2024.
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Due to the resignation of Mark Henry from the Vice President role, a vacancy was created for the position to be filled.
At the SMC meeting of May 15th, Ordinary Committee member Shannon Decker, was nominated by Simon Thomas and duly unanimously elected.
Congratulations to Shannon and thank you for taking on the Vice Presidency position.
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It is with regret that the SMC advise that despite their best efforts Golden Gallop (Rushworth) are unable to run their ride this year on the 24/8/24.
We the SMC just want to say a massive thank you to Candy, Steve and your committee. You have done soooo much work to get this ride off the ground and we know how devastated you are that it is not going ahead.
Can we please all be super supportive to candy and her crew, we really look forward to hearing from you in 2025!!
Please stay tuned on facey for more updates. If any one has any concerns PLEASE, and we cannot emphasize this enough, email them directly to calendar coordinator and secretary and we will address them promptly with the committee.
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For those who were wondering if they could make the trip to the ride in time to vet in on Friday night, I have spoken to Trish and the vet ring will be going til around 8pm on Friday night.
At a pinch, the odd horse may be able to be accommodated after this time if you make prior arrangements by contacting Trish.
Plenty of time to come after work if you can't wangle a day off 

A ride not to be missed as the tracks are terrific, no bitumen roads and plenty of new bushland for people to see.
Forecast is for a dry mild day -20 degrees - on Saturday, perfect for riding.
We need our nominations numbers so we can make the arrangements for the number of vets (for newer people, our rules require the ride organiser to have a particular ratio of vets to horses so they need to know in advance if an extra vet is needed or not.)
Please, please, please get your nominations in asap so these final arrangements can be made!
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