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The State Management Committee have resurrected the Discount Ride Entry
Policy.  This policy is about encouraging further attendance at endurance
rides by providing a discounted ride entry to one rider.  At each VERA ride
one discounted ride entry voucher will be awarded, via a lucky draw, to any
competitors in the endurance rides.  The draw is done by the Ride
Secretaries and entry into the draw is open to all riders regardless of a
successful outcome in the endurance ride.  The prize is handed out at the
presentations.  To be eligible for the discounted ride entry voucher the
rider must be in attendance at the presentations.  

The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of the ride at which it was
won.  The winner of the draw can then present the voucher at a future ride
and be entitled to a discount of $25 off the ride entry fee.  

Please see the attached document for further details on this initiative.

