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54.1 The person responsible for a horse has a duty of care to all other persons to ensure their horse(s) are contained at all times. A competent responsible person must supervise horse(s) at all times when horse(s) are in the horse yard.

54.2 The preferred method of horse containment are metal yards, substantially fixed to a solid object such as a horse float, truck or permanent fence or appropriately pegged into the ground. Alternatively, electric fencing is permitted, but shall as a minimum, have 2 strands of tape, preferably white and a minimum of 1cm wide, with the top tape to be 1.2 to 1.4 metres above the ground. The posts used should be of substantial material (for example, steel pickets) and installed so that the tape does not sag. The fence shall be energized at all times the horse is in the yard.

54.3 Only one horse is permitted per enclosure.

54.4 Ground tethering or the hobbling of horses is not permitted.