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The first Member's Survey has now closed and the VERA SMC will be looking at collating and analysing the data over the next few weeks. The outcomes will be presented to the next meeting of the SMC and an action plan developed to assist the Committee in addressing the most urgent issues that impact on our members.

Thank you to the 26 people who took the time to respond and provide your thoughts on our sport. Your input is very much appreciated.

The SMC would like to advise members that the handover to the new Membership Registrar, Sandra Feil, will be occurring today. Sandra's contact details will be posted on the website as soon as this has occurred. The email address will still be This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 
Please help Sandra out during this transition period by ensuring your membership applications are submitted well ahead of any ride you wish to attend. This will allow Sandra plenty of time to process the applications while she still has her training wheels on. Thank you for your consideration.
Thanks to Kerrie Gabb for taking on the Membership Registrar role for the interim period on top of her role as Treasurer.


After an amazing weekend enjoying the hospitality of Kim and Steve Noble up in Lancefield we are proud to announce the top results for the weekend.

Congratulations to all competitors, and thank you for attending, its each and every entry that makes this sport such a great thing.

The VERA SMC wishes to advise riders, trainers and other interested persons that the swabbing program for 2019 has now been determined. VERA has targeted a number of rides at which swabbing will be completed. At each of these rides a specified number of swabs will be taken.

The method of determining which horses are to be swabbed is defined within Section 5 - Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medications Rules under Clause 6.3.2 of these rules.

The number of swabs to be taken is based on the AERA requirement to target 2% of ride entries (based on 2018 figures). During 2018 VERA achieved a swabbing rate of 1.325% of endurance ride entries.

Please make sure you have read Section 5 and understand your responsibilities. Please raise any questions you may have and a response will be posted as soon as possible.

The VERA website has been updated to include a new Ride Review form. This form gives people attending the ride the opportunity to provide invaluable feedback to Ride Organisers on their ride. There are a number of questions about the ride and opportunity to provide your comments to assist the Ride Organisers. Please remember that the Ride Organisers put a lot of effort into putting on the rides so make your comments constructive and respectful. Include positive feedback, wherever possible, on aspects of the ride that you thought worked really well. It's always good to get compliments after putting heart and soul into organising these events.


Ride Review