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On behalf of our Logbook Registrar Bronwyn Cuthbertson: Please note that sufficient turnaround times for logbooks need to be allowed for. Please allow 3 weeks for applications, renewals and upgrades to be processed and logbooks returned to the applicant. Thank you.

 Congratulations to our very own Sandy Little on being recognised for his lifelong contributions to endurance by being awarded an AERA Honourary Life Membership.

The VERA SMC would like to thank Sandra Feil for her time as the membership registrar. We hope you enjoy your spare time. The SMC would like to welcome Wendy Riha in as the new membership registrar. We hope you enjoy your time with us.
There will be a hand over period between the 2 registrars, but please if you have any questions relating to your membership, still use the membership email as it will still be live. The revised membership form with the new details will be uploaded to the website by the end of the week.

Vera has been hard at work the last few months, brainstorming and coming up with a fresh relaunch for VERA Merchandise.

Have a look below to see a sneak peak of a couple of the new things that will be available in the near future.

It is with much regret that David and Trish Reeves wish to announce that the Dergholm ride is cancelled due to the ground conditions.
The grounds committee have conducted an inspection this morning and have determined that vehicular access is not possible at this point. They feel that there is insufficient time for the grounds to dry out before competitors start arriving.
Could all riders who have nominated please access AERA Online and cancel your nomination to allow refunds to be generated? This should be completed by 5 pm FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER.
for any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you.